Borehole Image Interpretation
How are borehole image studies designed by NiMBUC Geoscience?
The focus of the study and the level of detail is previously agreed with the client under consideration of the individual needs for the project. We offer several modules as a starting point and design the scope of work in cooperation with our clients keeping in mind our experience with similar projects.

Why are borehole images helpful in the interpretation of Geothermal Wells and what do we offer?
Borehole images help with un-locking the internal structure of a geothermal reservoir in high detail. Important information i.e., the presence of highly permeable zones, fractured intervals or the orientation of the present-day stress field, can be derived from borehole image logs.
- Manual picking of bedding, fractures, and faults
- Classification of Fracture/Fault sets by orientation and image response
- Identification of drilling induced borehole failures, related to the in-situ stress field
- Classification of the Fracture and Fault response (for example after conductivity, travel time, etc.)
- Dip Vector Analysis: Intervals of consistent bedding orientation are subsumed as structural domains. Structural breaks between these domains are marked by orientation changes
- The structural breaks are classified for example into: Unconformity, Fault, Fold
- Picking intervals with secondary porosity, i.e., karst, vugs
- Fracture-Matrix Interaction (i.e., vuggy fractures, cleats, fractured shale)
- Fracture Frequency/Density calculation (P10, P21, P32)
- Fracture connectivity
- Fracture Distribution and Corridor Analysis
- Integration with production logs, well tests or other dynamic data
- Integration with nearby wells or regional structural models