Rush Borehole Image Log Analysis
How can NiMBUC Geoscience keep the tight deadlines?
The first step in the workflow is the QC and processing of borehole image data. Because of the high importance of this part of the workflow, no shortcuts are taken here. Once the QC and processing is completed, structural analysis of features begins. To match the tight schedules, the picking density is reduced – however, all fractures and faults as well as in-situ stress related features are documented. This data set then can be used to make operational decisions such as defining testing intervals, etc. The picking is done strictly manually, no auto-picking algorithms are used. Furthermore, the reporting is shortened to the most important facts, i.e., concentrating on information relevant for stimulation. We assign the necessary personnel to match the size of the project.
By applying our rush analysis, we help our clients to reduce standby times and to keep tight schedules and budgets. Our rush analyses can be used for subsequent in-depth borehole image interpretations in a later stage of the project and/or can be combined with other sources of data for combined analyses. It is our ambition to maintain our high-quality standards and to keep the deadlines for the benefit of our clients.